Our Classes

All New Members start in our Foundation class which is a four-week intenstive with an emphasis on allowing your pup to acclimatise to our Club and, for many, novel sights, sounds and distractions.
During Foundation we look at starting the conversation with your training buddy, introducing learning theory, body language basics, lead and space management and working through the mechanics of how to teach basic skills.
After this four-week block you will be moved to an appropriate level Class.

The club offers weekly instruction in all levels of obedience training, from beginners through to more advanced competition or ’trialling’ classes. We use only modern and proven methods of training, based on positive reinforcement methods.
Our dedicated and experienced instructors are passionate about helping you and your canine friend, set and achieve realistic goals, whether it be reaching the higher levels of competition obedience or simply helping you and your best friend develop the skills and knowledge to enable you to fully enjoy your lives together.
We run several fun days per year to help you test your new found skills in a relaxed and stress free environment.
We believe that obedience training will not only benefit your dogs physical well being but will also produce a happy and well adjusted canine companion thereby enhancing your lives together.

Do you want to live in the fast lane? Maybe your canine companion does too! Hastings dog club offers weekly training (when not competing) in this fast, high energy, team dog sport.
Flyball is a great way for your dog to rid themselves of excess energy in a fun and friendly atmosphere. The Hasting Howlers are our resident fly ball team and compete in this fast paced dog sport many times throughout the year.
Our club has experienced and successful instructors in fly ball who would be more than happy to welcome any new members at their training sessions.

Rally O (rally obedience) is a less formal approach to dog obedience and is suitable for all types of dogs and their handlers. It is a fun and energetic form of dog obedience and enables dog and handler to perform skills, many of which are taught in our weekly classes.
We are fortunate here at Hastings Dog Club, to have several highly skilled instructors in Rally O who would be only too happy to help you and your dog achieve Rally O success. We set up a rally course most training weeks which requires dog and handler to perform set skills at individual stations along the course. Rally O is a great introduction to competition obedience and is a great way to enhance your bond with your canine companion.